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: Palomar Abogados noticia PHISHING CAJA RURAL CENTRAL css plugin
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  • Fecha: 19-10-2022
  • Palomar Abogados


Alicante Plaza publishes and explains in depth the successful litigation of Palomar Abogados against Caja Rural central

The digital press newspaper "Alicante Plaza" has echoed a transcendent sentence issued by the Orihuela Court No. 3, which declares that CAJA RURAL CENTRAL is civilly liable to its client for a phishing suffered by him, and sentences it to compensate him an amount of 4,985 euros.


We offer you the news at this link


In this news, we are reminded that the National Cybersecurity Institute of Spain (INCIBE) has been disseminating in its bulletins up to 3 phishing attacks, which specifically have taken place in September 2020, and in July and October 2021.


Palomar Abogados, a law firm specialising in banking law, is defending those affected, opening legal claim processes with successful results, such as the one attached to this post, or in many cases reaching agreements with banks by virtue of which customers are reimbursed for the entire loss.


The Courts are inclined to deal with claims, considering that, in accordance with European regulations and  the Payment Services Act, unauthorised payment transactions must be reimbursed to the affected party unless the bank can prove that the affected party acted with gross negligence or fraud.


Palomar Abogados was recently interviewed by CADENA SER, and we had the opportunity to explain this specific type of claim. You can listen to the interview here:


If you have been affected by a phishing case, do not delay and come and contact us. We'll offer you a no-obligation diagnosis, and we'll help you claim your money.

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Contacte con nosotros ahora y le atenderemos telefónicamente o envíenos un contacto y le llamaremos a la hora que prefiera.

