• Date: 03-04-2024
  • Palomar Abogados


A Court sentences Caja Rural Central to pay our client 4.985 € that were stolen by a bank phishing
On October, 13th, 2022, Orihuela Court Nº 3 issued sentence 298/2022, which upheld the claim for compensation for damages filed by Palomar Abogados in favor of a woman affected by bank phishing, an ordered CAJA RURAL CENTRAL to compensate her an amount of 4.985..-€ as well as procedural cost of the claim.

Such amount of 4.985.-€ had been stolen from our client´s bank account through a bank phishing operation.

At PALOMAR ABOGADOS, after assuming legal representation, we filed a claim for damage compensation alleging that liability for the loss of our client´s money should fall on CAJA RURAL CENTRAL, since it had not taken proper precautions for the security of payments and thus had unaccomplished banking law.

We are pleased by having helped our client in the money recovering process, and what is more, by the fact that CAJA RURAL CENTRAL has was ordered to pay legal procedures costs, which meant our client did not have to pay any money regarding our legal assistance. 

If you have been affected by a phishing attack, and your bank ignores its liability, contact Palomar Abogados. We are specialists in bank phishing legal action. Recently we were invited to an interview in CADENA SER radio channel, in which we explained the characteristics of the claim. You can listen it here.

Call us. We will check your case thoroughly without obligation, and we shall offer you or fair diagnosis. You can count on us to help you claim your money back.

Documentos relacionados de la sentencia

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