• Date: 05-04-2024
  • Palomar Abogados


A judge sentences Banco Santander to pay 5,101.39€ to our client in Alicante after having suffered a bank phishing

On January 13, 2023, Alicante Court No. 15 of Alicante issued sentence 15/2023, by which it upheld the claim for compensation for damages filed by Palomar Abogados in favor of a victim of a bank phishing, and by virtue of it it has ordered BANCO SANTANDER S.A. to compensate him an amount of 5,101.39 euros and to pay him the procedural costs of the claim.


The aforementioned amount of 5,101.39 euros had been stolen from our client by a cybercriminal, who through a deception or phishing action took over his online banking access credentials, as well as the numbering of the payment cards. After this deception manoeuvre, the cybercriminal made several purchases charged to the debit and credit cards of which our client was the holder. BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. completely ignored what happened, and the affected party resorted to the services of our law firm specialized in banking law.


At Palomar Abogados, after being entrusted with the client's legal representation, we filed a claim for compensation for damages, based on the extra-contractual and contractual civil liability of BANCO SANTANDER for the theft of money suffered by our client. In the body of our pleadings, we stated  that BANCO SANTANDER, S.A. was solely responsible for the security breach inherent in the customer authentication system designed on the online banking platform of that bank.


We are proud to have legally assisted our client in the arduous task of recovering the €5101.39 that should never have disappeared from his bank account, and the added satisfaction of noting that the court ruling, in addition to ordering BANCO SANTANDER to pay €5,101.39 to our client, also condemns the bank to pay the costs of the legal process.


If you have been the victim of a banking phishing case, call Palomar Abogados without obligation. We specialise in this type of fraudulent actions, and in civil liability claims against banks for the economic damages derived from such actions.  We recently had an interview on CADENA SER in which we explained the characteristics of the claim. You can listen to it here:


We will carefully and without obligation study your case, we will carry out our diagnosis, and if you wish we will assist you legally in claiming your money.

Documentos relacionados de la sentencia

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