Separation & Divorce

Separation & Divorce

The separation consists of an authorization given by the judge to the spouses so that they can live apart, but without dissolving the marriage bond, so that the spouses who are in this state can not remarry.

Divorce involves the cessation of coexistence and the dissolution of marriage, so that the spouses can re-contract a new marriage. You do not have to go to separation before getting a divorce.

PALOMAR abogados deal with all legal matters related to the marital crisis, such as the regulatory agreement, the distribution of assets and debts, the compensatory pension, the maintenance allowance, provisional and urgent measures, single custody or sharing custody of minor children, use of the conjugal domicile, use of the second residence, grandparent visits, etc.

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Other Marriage and Family Law services

In Palomar Abogados are specialists Marriage and Family Law. Below we show you other Marriage and Family Law services that may also be of interest to you.

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