Mortgage Fees

Mortgage Fees

Suprem Court sentence of October 16th, 2018, sets that Stamp Duty Tax - I.A.J.D levied on Mortgages must be paid by the Bank.

¿Did you pay Tax, Notary and Registry Fees upon subscribing your mortgage?

Do you know that you were imposed an abusive clause whereby you must pay the integrity of notary, registration and stamp duty tax fees regarding your mortgage deed?

Over the last years Supreme Court had already ruled this clause was abusive and thus consumers were right to be refunded Notary and Registration fees.

Now, situation has recently done a radical u-turn in favor of the clients, since in October 16th, 2018, Suprem Court has surprisingly changed by three judgements his criteria and established that according to tax regulations legal tax debtor of the Stamp Duty - I.A.J.D tax must be the bank instead of the client.   

Claim your money now. Getting Palomar Abogados legal assistance could suppose for you recovering an amount ranging between 3.000.-euros and 6.000.-euros depending on your mortgage guarantee figure.

Palomar Abogados attorneys at law, by developing their sound banking law expertise,  verifiable in plenty of judgements published in our web site,  will claim annulment of your abusive mortgage-fee clause and in turn will have the bank pay you back mortgage fees overpaid amounts.

Any questions? Want to find out more?

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Frequent Questions

¿What fees are we talking about? ¿Which were those fees I was unduly charged?

Banks have been developing the practice of imposing on customers the obligation to bear the expenses derived from mortgage documentation and real estate registration, as well as the tax derived from it, and the clause that imposed such obligation was abusive because such expenses according to the law corresponded to the bank entity. This way it was being mainly interpreted in various judgments from Province Courts and Suprem Court. 

However, definitive backing in consumer protection has come as a result of three judgements of Spanish Suprem Court issued on October 16th, 2018, according to which bank is the person legally assigned to assume the  Stamp Duty Tax (socalled "Impuesto sobre Actos Jurídicos Documentados") derived from mortgage constitution.   

Therefore, at the present time consumers have the right to claim the return of their mortgage overpaid fees, which are namely those Notary, Registry and Stamp Duty Tax  (socalled "Impuesto sobre Actos Jurídicos Documentados") expenses regarding their mortgage formalization.

Error en la conexi�n a la base de datos:
¿Por qué es abusiva esta cláusula de gastos de hipoteca? ¿Qué normativa lo dice?

El artículo 89.3.a) de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios establece que tiene la condición de cláusula abusiva aquella por virtud de la cual el consumidor ha de cargar con los gastos derivados de preparación de la titulación que por su naturaleza corresponden al empresario.

Error en la conexi�n a la base de datos:
¿Tengo realmente la condición de afectado la cláusula de gastos de hipoteca? ¿Debería reclamar el dinero que aboné?

Sin duda alguna debes haber resultado afectado por la cláusula abusiva. La práctica totalidad de los préstamos hipotecarios contienen la cláusula por la que se imponen los gastos de hipoteca al prestatario.

Se suelen localizar en una cláusula denominada “GASTOS”, “GASTOS DE HIPOTECA” o similar, y pueden utilizar menciones tales como gastos de preparación, gastos preparatorios, etc.

Te será sencillo localizarla, y en cualquier caso PALOMAR abogados se presta gustosamente a ayudarte a ello.

Error en la conexi�n a la base de datos:
¿Cómo debería actuar y qué documentación debería obtener si deseo reclamar la devolución de las cuantías?

Es muy sencillo.

Simplemente proporciónanos copia simple de la escritura y las facturas correspondientes de los gastos de la hipoteca. 

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¿Pueden tramitarme la demanda en cualquier provincia?

Por supuesto que sí. 

Palomar Abogados litiga en todos los puntos de España en favor de los intereses de sus clientes. 

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¿A cuánto ascienden sus honorarios?

Te ofreceremos unas condiciones extraordinariamente beneficiosas.

Contáctanos y te lo explicamos.

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