¿Víctima de phishing? Te ayudamos | ES | ENG


  • Fecha: 27-10-2022
  • Palomar Abogados


Palomar Abogados leads to the recovery of more than 2,400€ stolen from a customer of N26 Bank GMBH affected by a bank phishing

The victim, a customer of N26 BANK GmbH, had been the victim of the so-called "Post Office Scam".


Through a social engineering action, a cybercriminal, after impersonating CORREOS, took over the number of the bank customer's debit card, linking it to an Apple Pay payment platform, and then fraudulently made up to three payment orders with which he stole a total amount of more than 2,400 euros.


The bank customer immediately contacted the telephone service of N26 BANK GmbH, as the bank did not have any staff with whom to attend to the public personally and in a bank branch; Despite repeated claims, they were met with only ambiguous evasive answers.


The affected person, before resigning himself to his fate, made a last effort and contacted Palomar Abogados. Our professionals guided him suitably, first by making an out-of-court claim, and then by filing a lawsuit for compensation for damages.


The lawsuit was based on the complete absence of gross negligence on the part of N26 BANK GmbH's banking customer, as well as the operational inadequacy of the signature authentication system designed by N26 GmbH in the management of its online payment services. The legal dispute led to a negotiation with N26 GmbH, which resulted in an out-of-court agreement whereby the bank paid its client all of the more than €2,400 that had been stolen from his bank account.


We attach the Decree of the Court of First Instance No. 1 of Torrente, in which you can verify that the client saw his claim for compensation satisfied as a result of the professional performance of Palomar Abogados.


We recently had an interview on CADENA SER, in which we had the opportunity to explain the particularities of this type of claim. You can listen to it at this link




If you have been the victim of bank phishing, contact Palomar Abogados. We will study your case without obligation, we will make the correct diagnosis, and you will have us at your disposal to help you claim your money.



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