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  • Fecha: 11-09-2023
  • Palomar Abogados


A judge sentences Unicaja Banco to pay 4,999€ to a couple from Valencia after they were victims of a bank phishing.
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On September 6, 2023, Valencia Court No. 20 issued sentence 246/2023, by which it upheld the claim for compensation for damages filed by Palomar Abogados in favor of a married couple domiciled in Valencia who were the subject of a bank phishing, and sentenced UNICAJA BANCO S.A. to compensate those affected an amount of 4,999 euros (i.e. the entire amount that had been taken from them), plus the legal interest and the procedural costs of the claim. 


You have attached the full content of the sentence in this post.


The amount of €4,999 had been appropriated by the cybercriminal through a social engineering action carried out on bank customers;  It all started with an SMS whose link, after being clicked by our customers, redirected those affected to a fake UNICAJA BANCO page, in which through a deception maneuver the security codes and passwords of online banking were captured. Once these personalized security credentials were stolen, the cybercriminal made an unauthorized transfer in the amount of those 4,999 euros.


The affected couple, in view of the breach incurred by the bank's security system, and the refusal of such a bank to assume responsibility, decided to put themselves in the hands of the professional law firm Palomar Abogados.


At Palomar Abogados, after assuming legal representation, we filed a lawsuit through which we claimed compensation for the damages incurred. We alleged that our clients had not committed any gross negligence, and that on the contrary it was UNICAJA BANCO that showed weak security protocols in its signature authentication system with respect to the executed payment order.


We are proud to have supported our clients in the recovery of an amount that should never have been charged to their bank account, and we are even more pleased that, since UNICAJA BANCO S.A. has been ordered to pay the legal costs, the claim has been free of charge for our clients.


If you have had money taken from you through phishing, go to Palomar Abogados. We are specialists in the legal treatment of this type of fraud.  We recently had an interview on CADENA SER in which we explained the characteristics of the claim. You can listen to it here:




We will study your case without obligation, and we will give you an accurate diagnosis, being able to count on us to help you claim your money.



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